Human Rights Statement

Human Rights Statement


CDPQ Infra Inc. and its subsidiaries (" CDPQ Infra ") recognizes its responsibility to respect universally recognized human rights, including those contained in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

CDPQ Infra supports the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and uses this framework to manage human rights impacts related to its operations.



This Statement reaffirms CDPQ Infra's commitment to respecting human rights. We specify this commitment through the following documentation:

To continuously improve our governance and strict management of ethics and related processes, we have
explored additional mechanisms through internal tools to assess our impact, risks and opportunities in areas
related to human rights.


To honour this commitment, CDPQ Infra upholds to the following principles. We expect all employees at all levels, as well as our partners, to act accordingly.

Health and Safety

At CDPQ Infra, we are committed to providing a safe work environment and promoting safe behaviours in all our facilities and activities. We actively work to prevent occupational diseases and workplace accidents, while promoting the health and well-being of our employees.

Freedom of Association

CDPQ Infra recognizes the principle of freedom of association that is provided for under applicable legislation.

Child Labour

CDPQ Infra strongly condemns child labour and does not use it in any of its activities. We comply with the applicable laws in this regard. Our suppliers and partners are also prohibited from using child labour.

Forced and Compulsory labour

CDPQ Infra strongly condemns forced or compulsory labour and does not use it in any of its activities. Our suppliers and partners are also prohibited from using forced or compulsory labour.

Respect and Dignity

CDPQ Infra is committed to treating all its employees with fairness, ethics, respect and dignity. We strive to protect our employees in the workplace from harassment, bullying and victimization, including all forms of sexual, physical and psychological abuse.


CDPQ Infra values diversity and equality in employment. We guarantee equal employment opportunities regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, citizenship, marital status, family status, country of origin, or any other similar ground, in accordance with the laws and regulations in each country where we operate.


Our governance and review processes allow us to identify, monitor and track various risks and mitigation measures. These processes include a risk analysis tool and a comprehensive monitoring tool for individuals and organizations at increased risk, to manage financial, regulatory, and reputational risks.

We are currently reviewing certain aspects of our due diligence processes to broaden our consideration of human rights risks.

Reporting Mechanism

If anyone has questions, needs information or has reason to believe that a violation has occurred, there are many reporting mechanisms available to them, including:

Direct dialogue with:

  • His or her direct supervisor or the immediate supervisor of the supervisor
  • A representative of the Talents & Culture team
  • A representative of the Legal Affairs team
  • The superior of their superior

The Ethic team 

[email protected]

Ethics line

At the following number: +1 866 723-2377


Governance and monitoring

The Board of Directors of CDPQ Infra, on the recommendation of the Human Resources and Governance Committee, approves this Declaration. It must be reviewed every three years, unless it is necessary to do so before.